Claudia González Gajardo
Santiago de Chile, Chile
: Leonardo González
Synopsis: This work stems from a traumatic event in which the action is being subjected involuntarily retained, and exercised by an "other." In the play, holding the act is intentional, where you can relive in artistic expression, as seen in the original event. In the space created, the "other" is replaced by another "object" element that allows us to represent manipulable through contact and body movement, feelings of anxiety and tension experienced during the process.
Claudia González Gajardo. Chilena, 34, a psychologist and self-taught photographer. In its early in the visual arts ventures in the development of analogue photography and laboratory techniques. During this period the use of high contrast black and white allows you to power the image captured from the everyday spaces; touring various subjects, for example, from the architecture of the city to the wide variety of shapes and characters that inhabit it. With the use of digital photography, extending the interest of building, incorporating the artist as part of the work. He is currently in a stage of experimentation with the concept, entering initiatically with the moving image through fotoperformance and video performance.
Contact: Web
cpgonzalezg@gmail.com: http://www.flickr.com/photos/_nefertiti_
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