2 days of performances at the Museum of Fine Arts
On Friday
4 and Saturday April 5, 2008 in the Experimental Hall of the Museum of Fine Arts, after 5 pm, will be presenting the project OBJETUAL: Performance Art Show, with performances of Venezuelan artists Ignacio Perez, Catherine Rivers, Esmelyn Miranda, Kevin Orellana, Julian Higuerey, Renny Barrios, Consuelo Mendez, Aida Rico Marcos Mujica, Fidel Pirona and Macjob Parabavis. This exhibition is the result of a previous process in which artists lived 3 days and 3 nights, each separately, together with an object, a pillow.
OBJETUAL, original idea and performance artist Leonardo Gonzalez Chilean psychologist, is a performance art project that chain is made of American and European countries, and proposes the use of an object of art to be redefined by the participating artists. This proposal is to deconstruct the original meaning of the object to reconstruct, individually and / or collectively, new readings of it. For each sample of each country, participating artists will use the same object, setting each one's subjective perception based on personal reading given to the conceptualization and conduct of his work. The resulting art object will be provided with symbols that diversity may oppose or complement each other.
The methodology of this project is that each of the participating artists from each country sets coexistence with the pillow for a period of three days and three nights. During this coexistence, each artist investigates the physical properties (morphological, sensory perception), psychological (emotional memory), cultural (religious, social, familial, sexual) and symbolic of the pillow. The place of coexistence is the artist's everyday space (house, street, work, etc). The whole process of coexistence must be documented. It is from this experience that each artist designed his proposal in writing performance. Each participating country will develop the same methodology designed for this exhibition, giving this pillow with their own personal and cultural meanings, allowing OBJETUAL is a performance in itself developed in a long time and space.
OBJETUAL The project began in 2005 with his first exhibition in Chile, Valparaíso OBJETUAL organized by Leonardo Gonzalez, with the collaboration of Paula PerfoPuerto Lisbon, was attended by renowned Chilean performance artists. In 2006, Belo Horizonte OBJETUAL second sample was made in Brazil organized by Marco Paulo Rolla, with the participation of
In 2008, the pillow was received in Caracas, Venezuela by Aida Rico and Ignacio Pérez who, through their project Performancelogía, organized the third sample OBJETUAL Caracas the participation of eleven Venezuelan artists.
OBJETUAL, original idea and performance artist Leonardo Gonzalez Chilean psychologist, is a performance art project that chain is made of American and European countries, and proposes the use of an object of art to be redefined by the participating artists. This proposal is to deconstruct the original meaning of the object to reconstruct, individually and / or collectively, new readings of it. For each sample of each country, participating artists will use the same object, setting each one's subjective perception based on personal reading given to the conceptualization and conduct of his work. The resulting art object will be provided with symbols that diversity may oppose or complement each other.
The methodology of this project is that each of the participating artists from each country sets coexistence with the pillow for a period of three days and three nights. During this coexistence, each artist investigates the physical properties (morphological, sensory perception), psychological (emotional memory), cultural (religious, social, familial, sexual) and symbolic of the pillow. The place of coexistence is the artist's everyday space (house, street, work, etc). The whole process of coexistence must be documented. It is from this experience that each artist designed his proposal in writing performance. Each participating country will develop the same methodology designed for this exhibition, giving this pillow with their own personal and cultural meanings, allowing OBJETUAL is a performance in itself developed in a long time and space.
OBJETUAL The project began in 2005 with his first exhibition in Chile, Valparaíso OBJETUAL organized by Leonardo Gonzalez, with the collaboration of Paula PerfoPuerto Lisbon, was attended by renowned Chilean performance artists. In 2006, Belo Horizonte OBJETUAL second sample was made in Brazil organized by Marco Paulo Rolla, with the participation of
In 2008, the pillow was received in Caracas, Venezuela by Aida Rico and Ignacio Pérez who, through their project Performancelogía, organized the third sample OBJETUAL Caracas the participation of eleven Venezuelan artists.
OBJETUAL: Performance Art Show
Friday 4 and Saturday April 5, 2008
5:00 pm / Screening of Documentation
6:00 pm / Performances presentation
Experimental Chamber Museum of Fine Arts
Caracas, Venezuela
For more information, visit:
www.performancelogia.com / objetual
Download the information:
www.performancelogia .com / objetual / objetual_impreso_informativo.pdf

two days of performances at the Museum of Fine Arts
On Friday 4 and Saturday April 5, 2008 at the Experimental Hall of the Museum of Fine Arts, Beginning at 5 pm, Will Be Presenting the OBJETUAL project: Performance Art Event, with 11 venezuelan performance artists: Ignacio Perez, Catherine Rivers, Esmelyn Miranda, Kevin Orellana, Julian Higuerey, Renny Barrios Consuelo Méndez, Aidana Rico, Marcos Mujica, Fidel Pirona and Macjob Parabavis. This event is the result of a previous process in which artists coexisted each one separately, 3 days and 3 nights, with a common object, a pillow.
OBJETUAL, an original idea by Leonardo González, a chilean performance artist and psychologist, is a performance art project which takes place in sequence in America and Europe countries, and propose the use of a single object of art (a pillow) to be resignificated by participating artists. This proposal consist in the deconstruction of the original meaning of the object to rebuild, individually and / or collectively, new readings of it. In every event of each country, participating artists will use the same object, stablishing its subjective perception according to the personal reading attached to the conceptualization and realization of his work. The resulting artwork will be filled with symbologies that for its diversity, may oppose or complement each other.
The methodology of this project is that every participating artists, establish a coexistence with the pillow for three days and nights. During this time, each artist research the pillow's properties as: the physical (morphological, senso-perceptives) psychological (emotional, memory), cultural (religious, social, family, sex) and symbolic. The place of coexistence is the everyday space of the artist (house, street, work, etc.). The whole process of coexistence must be documented. It's from this experience, where the artist design his proposal. Each participating country will have the same methodology, giving to this pillow their own personal and cultural meanings, thus allowing OBJETUAL as performance on itself developed into a prolonged time and space.
The project OBJETUAL began in 2005 with it first event in Chile called OBJETUAL Valparaiso, with the participation of renowned chilean performance artists. In 2006, the second event called OBJETUAL Belo Horizonte was realized in Brazil. In 2008, the pillow was received in Caracas, Venezuela for Aidana Rico and Ignacio Perez who, through their project Performancelogía (www.performancelogia.com), organized the third event OBJETUAL Caracas with the participation of eleven venezuelan performance artists.
OBJETUAL, an original idea by Leonardo González, a chilean performance artist and psychologist, is a performance art project which takes place in sequence in America and Europe countries, and propose the use of a single object of art (a pillow) to be resignificated by participating artists. This proposal consist in the deconstruction of the original meaning of the object to rebuild, individually and / or collectively, new readings of it. In every event of each country, participating artists will use the same object, stablishing its subjective perception according to the personal reading attached to the conceptualization and realization of his work. The resulting artwork will be filled with symbologies that for its diversity, may oppose or complement each other.
The methodology of this project is that every participating artists, establish a coexistence with the pillow for three days and nights. During this time, each artist research the pillow's properties as: the physical (morphological, senso-perceptives) psychological (emotional, memory), cultural (religious, social, family, sex) and symbolic. The place of coexistence is the everyday space of the artist (house, street, work, etc.). The whole process of coexistence must be documented. It's from this experience, where the artist design his proposal. Each participating country will have the same methodology, giving to this pillow their own personal and cultural meanings, thus allowing OBJETUAL as performance on itself developed into a prolonged time and space.
The project OBJETUAL began in 2005 with it first event in Chile called OBJETUAL Valparaiso, with the participation of renowned chilean performance artists. In 2006, the second event called OBJETUAL Belo Horizonte was realized in Brazil. In 2008, the pillow was received in Caracas, Venezuela for Aidana Rico and Ignacio Perez who, through their project Performancelogía (www.performancelogia.com), organized the third event OBJETUAL Caracas with the participation of eleven venezuelan performance artists.
OBJETUAL: Performance Art Event
4th & 5th April, 2008
Experimental Chamber
Museo de Bellas Artes Caracas, Venezuela
More information:
www.performancelogia.com / objetual
To download the program:
www.performancelogia.com / objetual / objetual_impreso_informativo.pdf
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