I made a little comment in the FB but did not want let the occasion pass without saying a word of thanks here on the blog after the weekend Halloween-themed. And it was strangely during Halloween last year when we celebrate the 10,000 hits, and now we have overcome the incredible figure of 100,000. I humbly do not know much about numbers of bloggers on these issues so I can not say whether or not a significant figure in objective terms but what I can tell, we both Harlock like me is that we are very happy and grateful as things are going in this project that we are still novices in spite of having a poor year or so. As I always say, because is the truth, "success" of a blog is not only who writes it but also all those who comentaĆs faithfully, who help with their experience, advice, contributions, which bind us and those who collaborate with the items, thank you all heart.
And Leonidas says, resist (if not sweep us all a government Xerxes course ...)
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