Luke Skywalker to Obi Wan Kenobi, Episode IV
Who would tell George Lucas that this innocent question in the first film in 70 would be the seed for the creation of an entire galactic conflict and the theme of a new trilogy thirty years later. Usually this kind of articles would like a brief on the facebook blog, but this series has reached a level of graphic quality I think he deserves a front-page article.
For those who are late a bit of history, the Clone Wars were the largest armed conflict in the Galactic Republic in 1000 years. Many systems have formed a breakaway coalition in order to clear away the corrupt regime of the Republic. Led by former Jedi Count Dooku and Grievous general commanded a huge droid army. Across the Jedi generals turned controlled the army of clones created on the planet of Kamino. That's the idea apparent but as many of you know it was just a ploy hatched by Chancellor Palpatine as a step towards absolute power achieved in Episode III.
cinematically speaking, the conflict is uncovered in Ep II ending with a young Anakin secretly married with his beloved Padme Amidala. In the third and we see a more mature Anakin and early Empire. Fans demanded more information about those 3 or 4 years intermediate war and George Lucas turned to animation. First they launched a series of episodes in 2D, rather, cutroncios to my taste, which recounted the early months of the war and the consecration of cutting off her braid Padawan Skywalker to become Jedi Knight. But the fans or maybe Lucas this seemed little and threw the 3D episodes are currently being issued. As preamble also released a 3D animation film called Clone Wars, where Anakin was associated with a young Padawan named Ahsoka Tano.
The series is 3T with about 22 chapters each, is now in the Christmas break of the third. The technical quality of the animation must be said, is impeccable, but are "drawings" did not think at all about children, have the same level as if we were talking about movies. The sound effects and have the mark of Lucas at all times and it shows.
The potential of an animated series are endless and not dependent on real actors, so lets talk about many details of the SW universe that does not appear in movies, new races, planets. Although the protagonists are usually known by all the many episodes devoted to Jedi characters in the movies just appeared. The truth is that it is a gift for fans of the series.
As I said the series is on a break and return in January 2011 with more material. For this reason and to increase the tension has left a new trailer called A New Time, which suggests that we move into the darkness of Ep III, with the timeless music of John Williams Duel of the fates . Hopefully not removed from youtube, until then enjoy it.
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