Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Squash Ball Colour Coding

new arrivals this time the blog is taking a needed vacation, but will try to put a kitchen in the FB is not entirely abandoned. Is a good time to reflect a full year of blogging.

The year 2010 began with the novelty of creating the aforementioned blog page on Facebook, we are now nearly 350, humble but respectable figure allows us to be in closer contact with AMIMEDAMIEDO fans and you can add extra content such as photos and videos that had no place on the front page of the blog, and experience the truth that has been quite interesting and has enough game.
Speaking of social networks about a month ago we were released also on Twitter, although I have not much exploited, surely you have many resources still do not control that should be explored in the future.

Another highlight was the new look of the blog, long awaited and necessary work of Harlock whom we thank them here (and follows me in the shade but do not see him) , to my taste I think has been more colorful and has lost some of that gothic tone was at first, yes, the girl's head stays with us.
There was also a restructuring
content in terms of categories, items a bit more serious relegating others humor and the FB, with the intention not to detract from the quality category and although this blog does not know if you've got, I mean, if we have passed barrier to the general public miss the blog as "a more gothic and superficial blog, I hope ..

In this restructuring was room for indices, documentaries, shorts, cycle and generally indicates that you have regularly updated for better access to information, I hope you find it useful.

A detail I particularly liked this year has been the form suggested by readers, the truth that when you read these things make illusion to think that someone has taken the trouble is much appreciated.

And finally know that I share everything with readers and despite all the above did not want something to keep my head has been around a while, is a vacation itself but the fact is I do not know if I'll retake it next year, I feel quite discouraged in the area blogger, sin perhaps rookie and this happen to everyone but a while now despite volcano with the blog, take the time, desire, work and enthusiasm I have noticed that the visits have dropped drastically, there are only very escasso votes and comments .... all this makes me wonder if what I write really interested in someone or are unmistakable signs that tell me and let me to the freak of the blogosphere and it was nice while it lasted the experience. I tell you the truth I do not know today and I do not know that I will make it very clear that I have no illusions is not worth doing this and I sure many will understand.

Well I guess these weeks of Christmas I used to think and see if it really offsets the effort, in any case the blog has given me great satisfaction and I have met very good people well worth in this regard has been very rewarding, and to all those friends, from my dear Harlock and my own, I wish you a Merry Christmas and I wish you all a good start in 2011, use it well you know As the Mayan prophecies say ... you are warned.
you soon. Interstellar


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