Wednesday, October 27, 2010

How To Make A Bmx Cakes

Halloween Samhain 2010 Wildlife Photographer of the year 2010

Another year has released the winners in different categories in the contest wildlife photographers for 2010. The project is organized by the Museum of Natural History in London and the magazine Wildlfe. If you remember in the past year one of the awards had been initially English by this photograph of a wolf , but then was disqualified for not being taken naturally. Those who do are clear winners are those that I show below a selection taken from the magazine Very Interesting.

harvester ants in Costa Rica captured by Bence Mate (Hungary). Winner of nature photography.

A baby springbok pursued by two young cheetahs Bridgena Barnard (South Africa), winner in the category "Mammals"

A crow on the back of an owl by Jim Neiger (USA). Finalist in the category "Birds"

spider crabs piled
against each other during their migration along the coasts of Australia, French Pascal Kobeh. Winner of the category "Other Animals"

A sea turtle caught in a fishing net, English Jordi Chias obtained One Earth , awarded to the images denounce the activities of man against nature. After taking the photos, released it
The Tinto river captured by the English Francisco Mingorance ¸ taken at 500 meters above the ground. Category Winner "Creative Visions of Nature"
Four sperm whales, American photographer Tony Wu is the Caribbean island of Dominica. Winner of the category "Underwater World"

National Park Plitvice Lakes, Croatia, declared a World Heritage Site, taken by Maurizio Biancarelli (Italy). Winner in the category "Wild Nature"
Bence Mate, 25, has not only taken the first prize but has also been awarded the Eric Hosking, prize awarded to the photographer between 18 and 26 years with the best portfolio. This is one of the iconic images of their work.

Adrian Bailey took this picture in the Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe, when a baboon found a dead bird. " was holding cautious looking, staring at her as if thinking " says the author, whose image was among the finalists in the category "Mammals" contest.

To learn more about the contest can visit the official website here


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