Today Friday is celebrated each year as the delivery of the Prince of Asturias prize in the Campoamor Theater of Oviedo. This time the Social Sciences category went to the team of archaeologists and scholars dedicated to exposing the treasures of Xi'an, among which the famous terracotta warriors.

Chinese archaeologists the prize money allocated (50,000 euros) to create a foundation of study of the Qin Dynasty. Shall be a body designed to support and reward the work of archaeologists working for years to expose the terracotta army guarding the mausoleum of the emperor who unified the country.
delegation to China, the most singular of the site, which they hope to find some 8,000 figures of warriors and other characters, "ranging from the manufacturing process, with pictures of different faces and different uniforms, the presence of weapons that will describe the development of the foundry industry the China of 2,200 years ago. "
" The Qin emperor during his devoted all resources to build the Great Wall of China and then to the mausoleum "says the director as team excavations. The greatness of what we expect to find on the artificial hill at the moment remains unemployed archaeologists for fear of not meeting the technologies needed to address it. "We are in the process of research and technology when we are ready we can begin this work. We know we're going to find something amazing and we want to be well prepared. "
The figure of the first emperor has been controversial, Mr. Zheng was the kingdom of Qin, who after putting the other six kingdoms into which China was divided at the end of the period of the Warring (450-221 BC) was proclaimed Sovereign Emperor, Shi Huang Di.秦始皇, achieved victory by a huge mass of his infantry and cavalry archers founding an ephemeral empire in time and barely lasted 20 years but that would mark the transition to centralized state that characterized China's history. Considered as a tyrant who oppressed his people strongly in their megalomaniac projects after His death occurred rebellions that raze his palace and capital Xianyang. as well as the buildings of his extraordinary mausoleum tomb relegating all but forgotten.

The center of this complex was the mausoleum with a large burial mound covering the tomb of the emperor. Where they amassed a large amount of precious objects on the ground simulating the great rivers of China in mercury, under a dome where the sky was reproduced. As mentioned, this part has not been excavated but measurements indicate that the amount of mercury in the area is unusually high which could confirm the sources of Sima Qian as that described in detail in his memoirs how fabulous Historic site .

However, the most famous and spectacular lies outside the walls, as stated at 1500 meters east in 3 pits different. This is where you have unearthed the famous terracotta warriors, created to protect the emperor in the Hereafter. The figures used in these digs are impressive.
In the first pit about 6000 warriors line up a front edge triple row which was followed up 38 rows of soldiers standing next to which there are also 160 tanks, eleven corridors with floors paved , the paneled walls and beamed roofs.

The third pit is built around a tank may empty ready for the emperor, is surrounded by the Staff of the Army with 68 senior officers. Generals wear a hat with pheasant feathers tied on the chin, called Hegu, with a mustache and beard. Wear campaign clothing or armor more elaborate than ordinary infantry. The double-edged swords made of a complex alloy, chromium oxide coated today still remain sharp.
Sihuang di
Qin was seen as a cosmic ruler with a strong religious, sovereign, both in this world and the Hereafter and given his experience in wars and massacres had no choice but to secure protection of his army in the world of the dead. Of course if your intention was to achieve immortality and his name will endure for ever and ever did it, yes the world still take many years to discover all its treasures, and carried 36 of excavations and it's only a fraction of what that remains to be seen.
I leave the news published in I have taken in part as a source
And this is the official website of the project of terracotta warriors in English and Chinese, http://www.bmy / template / GZB / index_en.aspx
To complete the article will add CH documentary, China, building an empire which speaks of the emperor and his work on especially in the first three chapters.
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